Church Before Renovation
Before Renovation

Chruch During Renovation
During Renovation

Doug Cody with Grandson
Doug Cody and Grandson
Working on Entry Column
New Gate After Renovation
After renovation - Visitors are
welcomed by new gate

Church after Renovation

Inside of Church after Renovation
After Renovation
The church structure looks
new from inside and out

Stoney Point Renovation 2013

It has long been the goal of the Stoney Point & Brinlee Cemetery Association to maintain the Stoney Point church structure.

Years of neglect had begun to take its toll on the Stoney Point Baptist Church structure. Birds and other varmints made their home in the walls and attic by chewing holes in the wood siding. That in turn allowed water to penetrate the walls causing more damage. Something had to be done before it was too late.

The generosity of the members made it possible to make major improvements to the building in 2013. The existing wood siding was removed, rotted wood in the walls was replaced and new cement siding installed. At the same time the original wood windows were repaired and restored to working condition.

The concrete porch was also in very poor condition, the steps were broken creating a very hazardous situation. A new concrete porch and steps including steel handrails was installed.

The siding and new porch were completed just days prior to Decoration Day 2013, but there was no money to paint the building. Then in October of 2013 we received a generous donation of enough paint for the exterior and fortunately there was money available to have the exterior painted.

The Collin County Historical Commission also approved a grant in 2012 for the installation of new entry columns and fencing. The fence and columns were completed in the spring of 2013.

Today the building looks brand new from the outside. The next goal is to repair and restore the interior, including electricity so the building can be used again for funeral or other functions.

Many thanks to everyone who made this possible.