Decoration-day 2015

Decoration-day 2015
Decoration-day 2015

Decoration-day 2015

Decoration Day 2015

It's quiet here now, sometimes almost too quiet. Stoney Point Church disbanded in the early 1900's and most of the time it's just like this. I like to imagine what it was like when families and neighbors gathered here to worship and fellowship. But this time next Saturday it will come to life again. Those who have family came from short and long distances for our annual Stoney Point/Brinlee Cemetery decoration day. The old piano with a few dead keys rang under the skillful hands of Terry Airhart, whose Grandfather was one of the first to settle this area. The walls echoed with the voices of those who gathered to honor and remember and honor their loved ones, singing those good old Gospel songs. After a message from Vernon Burgess, another old family name in these parts, we indulged from tables laden with homemade goodies. For those of you who have never experienced a covered dish dinner on the ground and only have catered events under your belt, you have truly been cheated out of a blessing. In the afternoon we were treated to the JubilHeirs, a Southern Gospel group.
- Ronnie Chilton

Thank You for Your Support.

Stoney Point & Brinlee Cemetery Association
Phone: 214-425-4230